What is the Collective?
The Collective is a place to easily find and store information and meet others who have similar interests. It is a place to learn from others and share stories, accounts, and theories about various paranormal phenomena.
Why Not Just Use Social Media?
We still maintain and operate all of our social media outlets, the forum simply gives us more ability to empower our members to create a database of accessible knowledge for everyone who joins.
Why Should I Post Here?
By posting here, either asking questions or telling your own accounts, you add to a massive growing library that is easily searchable and accessible to every member . Your account may help others to realise that they are not alone in their experiences and as it is viewed by many researchers , you may find some answers for what you have have experienced.
Is This Forum A Safe Place To Tell My Account?
It is as safe as any other online or social media venue. Please read and familiarize yourself with our RULES and Regulations prior to posting. We will moderate this forum for purposeful disruptions and trolling but remember not every question from a skeptic is an attack. WE are not responsible for personal perceptions. Not everyone will agree with you and that is perfectly OK as long as there are no derogatory or demeaning comments., However actions such as this will result in a ban. We have managed to keep our social media sites drama free and fun for over 4 years and we will continue in the exact same manner here.
Will My Information Be Used By Others?
Anything posted on this forum should remain free to use for everyone in the Collective except images , which must be the property the poster unless it is specified otherwise See RULES. The poster is liable for any artistic infringement unless such works are granted under specific usage terms and rights. Such as but not limited to section 107 of the Copyright Act . We suggest that you watermark your work and make it noted in the post that is your work.
Will I be Contacted?
IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE CONTACTED about an account you post please note that in your original post. Harassment and violation of witness privacy rights will not be tolerated and will be grounds for permanent ban.
What Can I Contribute?
You can share anything here that does not conflict with the TOS and Rules & Regulations of this forum and its providers. We ask that you stay on topic and keep your posts relevant to the category and topic you are responding to.
Can I Advertise My Event or Self Promote Here?
Unlike our social media groups, you are free to and welcome to post your events and works for other collective members to see. The ONLY STIPULATION is that you must reciprocate this by sharing a link to the COLLECTIVE on your own social media and tagging #wildandweirdwv This is a place to build a community to the fullest extent by mutual participation, the end result and benefits from this can be astounding for everyone.