Rules & Regulations of the group. All members please read and agree to the TOS prior to posting.
6Meet & Greet
Connect with others, ask questions, hang out have fun.
3Wild & Weird News
Post any paranormal, weird news links here. Follow the general TOS
3Known Viral Hoaxes
A quick reference for those viral hoax posts we see daily. Feel free to add to and link to this section.
UFO and UAP sightings and info
Post recent headlines and documents here.
These are WV cases reported to us that are sharable.
11UFO Sightings
Personal accounts as well as historical data
3Tools and Resources
Useful tools and resources
2Lights & Orbs
Any sighting of nocturnal lights or daytime unidentified objects
0UFO Occupants
Reports with occupants in relation to UFO/UAP activity
0Aliens, Extra-Dimensional Etc
Not just related to UFOs
0UFOs & Trace Evidence
Resource of collected data regarding evidence for UFO/UAPs
1UFOs & Paranormal
Any incidents of high strangeness or paranormal occurrences related to UFO/UAP activity.
0Cryptids General Discussion
General Cryptozoology discussion.
5Bigfoot Sightings Historical
Historical sighting info here.
0Bigfoot Witness Accounts
Post your sightings here. Trolling and rudeness will not be tolerated. Check Rules prior to posting.
3Bigfoot & Paranormal Phenomena
Any sightings related to both BF and accounts of paranormal / high strangeness.
0Other Cryptid Encounters
Non Bigfoot encounters with other cryptids.
2Parapsychology, Ghosts, ESP
All things related to parapsychology, ghost research etc.
1Personal Encounters
Share your personal encounters here. Keep all conversations civil, this is a place to share not be ridiculed.
1Ghosts Sightings & Legends
Ghosts, sightings, legends and lore.
0Ghost Tech & Research
Discussions about research and gear
EVP and ETC related phenomena , post links to clips etc here.
0RSPK/ Poltergeist Activity
Report of unexplained noises or anomalous kinetic activity.
0Ghostly Apparitions / Shadows
Reports and articles on ghostly apparitions and shadow figures etc.
0Psychic Phenomena
Info and reports on various psychic phenomena.
0Help with Ghosts
Looking for possible answers or investigators, post here.
0Field Research
This is a place to talk about techniques, hardware, software, and skills for boots on the ground Field Research.
2Data Collection Techniques
this sub is dedicated to teaching and sharing data collection techniques.
0Whats in your bag?
jump into this thread and share your load out with other researchers
1In The Field
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
1Famous Cryptids & Creatures
From Mothman to Lochness , this is where you will find creatures outside the normal labels.
0Events & Shows
Hosting a show or just want to share an event?
1Art & Self Promotion
Are you an artist or content creator? This space is made just for you. Share your work here and spread the weird!
3Wild & Weird CON
Check here for updates to the Wild & Weird CONs
1Wild & Weird Radio
Wild & Weird Radio News. Q&A and More
4241Research Organizations & Group
Looking for a research group in your area? Have a look around and join the conversations.
110WV Unseen Paranormal
WV Unseen's Collective link
Have a book, post it here.
0Film & Podcasts
Have a film or Podcast? Post links here.
Historical section.