If you have witnessed any paranormal phenomena, please contact us and fill out the short form. Your personal info is never shared , we are only interested in the account and verifying if it was observed by others in the area.

Salt Fork, Ohio Orb & UAP
Friday May 5th
After being contacted by Bigfoot researcher Glen Adkins we had planned to record some of his accounts for him. Glen has given us permission to publish his accounts and subsequent data you see here in this report. We were joined by Glen , his daughter, an exchange student and a science teacher.
Objective: Record Glen’s accounts on site where he had his first encounter with bigfoot decades prior as well as where countless other incidents had taken place.
Site: Near Hosak’s Cave trail entrance
Weather: Warm
Partly cloudy with full moon rising a little after 9:10 PM
Description of event:
We arrived at the site about 8:40 pm. We had decided to bring some of our equipment based on past observations as a precaution. The interview began with a preliminary request from Glen at approximately 8:49. He explained to us about the recent death at the cave just several weeks ago. He wanted to make sure that we were respectful and didn’t look like we were there for that, which we were not. At 8:51 we began the site interviews.
Approx. 9:15 I was scanning the area with out thermal and pointed it sky ward. I immediately spotted a thermal target very much like the fast moving targets we have encountered in previous investigations. Aat the same time I said “who” Joe said he had observed a flash. According to him it was like a flash bulb had gone off. No one present had observed a flash but I had observed the UAP at that time. There was no flash visible on thermal, full spectrum or regular camera.
We decided to continue the interview. Earlier in the week Glen had spoken with me about spotting a glowing orb across the lake back in the day. As we stood where he had been and with him pointing in the direction as soon as he said the words “There were lights over there.” I noticed a fast moving UAP come into frame on the thermal. At this point we briefed Glen on our past sightings and we let everyone there get a good look at the UAP including the science teacher who was also an amateur astronomer for an astronomy club. He had no idea what they were and we were fortunate enough to spot several bat signatures, and a plane for easy comparison. He stated that he knew what was up there and that those shouldn’t be. They were ruled out by him as satellites and birds. It was interesting to see how confused and fascinated he was by these objects.
At 9:18 PM Following intermittent filming the power on my full spectrum I had been recording with had dropped into the critical range forcing us to move back up toward the trail for a quick conclusion. This camera as well as Joes recorder were fully charged and were only in operation for less than 27 minutes at this point. This camera can run on a full charge for over 2 hours. A quick check of the ionizing and non-ionizing radiation in the area showed nothing out of the ordinary and only registered the cell phones.
9:23 We move back to the parking lot filming primarily now with the phone and thermal tethered to a secondary phone. Joe had walked up to the entrance of the trail head and had decided as a show of respect to sprinkle some tobacco as a gift to the ancestors of the area before we headed out.
At 9:35 before we left, I decided to show our guests how the thermal works, luckily I had hit record and was streaming to the nearby phone. At approx. 9:38 I acquire a small thermal signature no more than 40 yards in front of us and decided to try to use the last bit of battery left in our full spectrum to see if anything shows on it. The target is only visible on thermal and seems to be moving, it is a few feet off the ground and looks a lot like the visible orb we had seen on the hillside behind the Deep End Antiques. At this point, Joe decides to intercept the target thinking it was a small animal. Within one minute the signature quickly fades out.
At 9:40 Joe relates back to us that he sees what he thinks to be a possum and is actually trying to call the creature by whistling. He said he looked away for a second and it vanished. He believes he is near the area where the signature was but he is over 20 yards away from the area. Glen decides to go in with him and they see the area where the signature had been was heavily covered in brush.
At 9:46 PM the camera’s battery completely dies and we end the hunt.
Side Note: Later this same night Joe reports he sees a glowing blue light outside the window illuminating the hotel room and attributes to a possible motion light outside the window. It is mentioned here only because we did not question it till later. We also did not question the fact that we did not look at the time when Joe had noticed the flash back at the cave sight, this was highly unusual for us and would go unnoticed until we were recording the podcast after returning home from the event.
As of this time, we have no answers as to what we had observed nor do we have a logical explanation for the sudden battery drainage. The camera lasted no more than 35 minutes on a full charge. The handset power supply was not used as we were not planning to film for more than an hour total, we were not there to investigate, we had our equipment with us as a precaution in case something odd occurred, which it seems to have. We will be revisiting this area.
Strange Vibration Over Home
Cyclone WV.
In the middle of the night a witness was woken up by what she describes as a loud rhythmic vibration approaching her home. She explained that she felt as though something was about to crash into her front yard. This sound was not like any other aircraft the witness had ever heard and it eventually settled above the house. Then as she says it simply was gone. Upon investigating further she relates that another witness next door had also heard the sound which lasted approximately 20 minutes.
Strange Vibration Over Home
Cyclone WV.
In the middle of the night a witness was woken up by what she describes as a loud rhythmic vibration approaching her home. She explained that she felt as though something was about to crash into her front yard. This sound was not like any other aircraft the witness had ever heard and it eventually settled above the house. Then as she says it simply was gone. Upon investigating further she relates that another witness next door had also heard the sound which lasted approximately 20 minutes.
Weather Data at time of Sightings
Visibility was 10 Miles